EUROMicroFest 2017

EUROMicroFest 2017

2017 will once again be EUROMicroFest year!

The way it works is that we organise our own event and co-ordinate with other microtonal centres and concert promotors to present a year-long focus on microtonality in Europe.

Our own event is scheduled for 18-20 May, 2017 at E-WERK, in Freiburg, Germany – full details will be released as soon as funding is in place.

If you are interested in being a Partner by organising a conference, festival or concert as part of EMF 2017 please do get in touch: info.microtonalprojects [at]

Microtonal Projects offer assistance with advertising through our internet presence and our extensive mailing list, as well as the opportunity to be part of a network, which can benefit – among other things – funding applications.

Should you wish any existing events featuring microtonal music to be advertised on our Facebook page, please do send details.

Our current Partners include the Ekmelic Society, Salzburg, Austria (Salzburg Microtonal Symposium) and the MiCROfest in Zagreb.

For details of our event in 2015 see Forgotten Spaces.

Forgotten Spaces rehearsals: EUROMicroFest 2015