Category: Uncategorized

  • FLOW

    FLOW duo consists of Johannes Nied, double bass, and Stephen Altoft, 19-div trumpet and 19-div flugelhorn. Founded during the pandemic, playing in public parks, they then began creating special performances for their playlist on YouTube. Stephen contributed photos and video after the audio recording sessions. They are influenced by the outdoors, nature and are concerned with creating a flow, performing ‘long’ improvisations in an age where people usually stop listening (in this case watching) after two minutes.

    Check out their newest, third video here and their playlist.

    They are currently playing House Concerts, and return to public concerts on December 1st as part of the un-sound@Jos concerts in Freiburg, Germany.

  • Donald Bousted’s 19.5

    Donald Bousted’s 19.5 for 19-division Trumpet and malletKAT has been described as a tour de force in 19-divisions-of-the-octave tuning. Written for long time collaborators of his, duo Contour, it begins with the recognisable materials (from the point of view of 12-EDO) and by the time the cycle finishes it is a poly-microtonal landscape. Now, two years after the release of the digital album on Bandcamp, Patrick Ozzard-Low (one of the dedicatees) has written ‘A Tribute and Mini-Review of 19.5’, which is available here to read.

  • Time Dreaming

    from 22-24 March, the Microtonal Trumpet project returned to the north of England after a 15 year absence to present works from the RASP, TIME DREAMING and THE YASSER COLLECTION albums, and to give premiers by Richard Whalley and James Williamson- all for the 19-div trumpet!

    We are very happy to share the live (video) recording of TIME DREAMING,  for three 19-division trumpets (two pre-recorded multitracks) by Donald Bousted. This was the  UK premier performed in Manchester (UK) on 23rd March. 


    See Bandcamp to purchase high quality audio recording:

    Time Dreaming..

    of Battles past

    Cornetts and Sackbuts lurking; muffled ghostly fanfares

    of alien soundscapes,

    Hampton’s corridors echoing to accompaniments of

    Henry’s feasts.

    Time Dreaming..

    of future,

    premonitions of sky and water,



    Dreaming of timelessness

    Past and future dwellers of Earth existing in a parallel reality.

    (Poem: Stephen Altoft)

    ‘Time Dreaming is a somewhat unusual piece for me. Although I didn’t conceive of it as a pedagogical work, it does clearly have a pedagogical function as part of the project. For that very reason, I wanted the work to be quite slow moving so we can clearly hear the intervallic make up of the chordal flow. I had to find a way to curb that emotional intensity, which often comes out in my work in the form of unusual metres and complex rhythms. And I did that by becoming someone else. I was a composer in the sixteenth century writing in extended third-comma meantime tuning and I was writing for the Queen’s trumpeters. But I had a strange feeling of connection to a future place, a sense that this music would be played in another time and in another space. I was time dreaming.’ (DB)

    Donald Bousted was a composer and mixed media artist from the UK. His work was often based on an intimate exploration of one or two instruments, sometimes with electronics, and a smaller number of pieces for chamber and orchestral ensembles. In the work of the last 20 years, he had collaborated with visual artists and sought to integrate elements of film, still images and live art into his oeuvre. He is perhaps best known for his microtonal music, which has been an interest since he was a student. He wrote music using quarter- and eighth-tones and a substantial body of work in 19-division tuning (19 equal pitches per octave).

  • Lud’s Church

    Check out the video of the premier of Richard Whalley’s Lud’s Church from the North of England project at Manchester University at the end of March. There are ten virtual and one live 19-division trumpet.

    Richard writes: ‘Lud’s Church is a surprisingly deep chasm, hidden in the woodland of the Peak District in Staffordshire, England. It is dark, foreboding and damp, even in summer: an excellent hiding place – hence being associated with many stories and histories, including Robin Hood; and also Gawain and the Green Knight. Notably it is where a group of Christian reformers, followers of John Wycliffe, hid to escape persecution in the 15th century. It is thought that they sung psalms whilst hiding there, and it is speculated that their nickname, the ‘Lollards’ (or mutterers) refers to their style of delivery of such psalms – and this is how the chasm got its name.

    Lud’s Church was the last place I visited for a hike before the first Covid-19 lockdown (in early 2020) made travel to such places impossible for a period. It was composed in a spirit of yearning for the freedom of exploration. Such exploration extends to the tuning system used here: 19 equal divisions of the octave, which results in a mix of familiarity and weirdness that seemed ideal for attempting to capture something of the essence of this magical place. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to write for Stephen Altoft’s 19 tone equal temperament trumpet, which prompted this musical exploration.’

  • Microtonal Trumpet UK Premiers, March 2023

    Stephen Altoft, 19-division trumpeter, will give the World Premier of Richard Whalley’s Lud’s Church UK Premier of Donald Bousted’s Time Dreaming in Manchester on 23rd March at the University of Manchester. He will also give the UK Premier of Antenna by Dong Zhou. Programme includes music by Stephen himself, Eleri Angharad Pound and Elizabeth Adams.

    On 24th March for York’s Late Music concerts Stephen will give a similar programme, including the World Premier of James Williamson’s Falling/Rising. Programme includes music by Donald Bousted, Chris Bryan, Eleri Angharad Pound, Richard Whalley and Stephen Altoft.

    Check out this article about the York concert here.

  • Melancholia

    Melancholia’ (2018), a piece for two horns by Donald Bousted

    dedicated warmly to Michael Hugh Dixon, has been uploaded to the folder of Donald’s microtonal compositions on Dropbox (Microtonal Projects’ Resources Folder).

    Michael writes:

    Donald loved the films of Lars von Trier and gave this duet its title from the film of the same name. Donald said it was his first piece structured in just intonation but he had been thinking about something like it since around 2000 when listening to Erv Wilson at LA MicroFest. He structured the work very simply, from 4 scales which have tonal relationships to each other In an email he said “For me, there is a real power coming from the transformation of the 3 scales which have lots of connections to one which – although still the same scale – has only one pitch rooted in what has gone before. It’s a work with some emotion behind it and some movement away from the strictly ‘just’ would not be inappropriate.” Melancholia was performed in Sydney MicroFest 3 in 2019, both in Sydney and Wollongong by Michael Hugh Dixon and Gergely Mályusz.

    The recordings, on Soundcloud and the play-a-longs on YouTube, are by Michael Hugh Dixon in 2022.

  • Tributes to Donald

    The Donald Bousted Edition has been founded in order to preserve his immense creative and artistic output. Follow our ‘Tributes to Donald’ YouTube series, on microtonal and non-microtonal flugelhorn.

  • Resources Folder

    Hello Everyone,

    I have added a new folder to the Microtonal Projects Resources Folder to host scores of Donald Bousted’s microtonal works.

    Scroll to the bottom here for details

  • TIME DREAMING now on Bandcamp

    Hello Everyone!

    Today is once again Bandcamp Friday, when all proceeds go to the artists! Bandcamp take no cut- it is their response to the pandemic.

    We are using this day to launch publicly the Bandcamp version of TIME DREAMING featuring Stephen Altoft on 19-division trumpet!

    Purchase here

    This album saw the debut recording of the 19-division Flugelhorn, with Sarabande? by Eleni Ralli, the first piece written for Stephen’s ‘Inspired by the Baroque’ project for this instrument.

    This third album featuring the 19-division trumpet deals very thoroughly with harmony: in the form of electronics, multi-tracked trumpets, duo with a malletKAT (featuring Stephen’s duo Contour partner, Lee Ferguson), and ultimately with very precisely defined 19-division three-part harmony in the title work, Time Dreaming by Donald Bousted.

    Other composers featured are:

    Julia Werntz (Boston)

    Manfred Stahnke (Hamburg)

    Eleni Ralli (Basel)

    Elia Koussa (Lebanon)

    Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou (Freiburg)

    Gordon Kampe (Hamburg)

    Georg Hajdu (Hamburg)

    Carlos Cotallo Solares (Philadelphia)

    Stephen Altoft (Freiburg)

  • A Journey Among Travellers

    This epic microtonal journey undertaken by composer, Donald Bousted with the Bennetts-Bowman Recorder Duo, will be available from 7th March on digital platforms, such as iTunes/Apple Music, Amazon Music, and Spotify. You can pre-order on Spotify here