Stephen Altoft and Donald Bousted perform at Art’s Birthday, Freiburg, 2020
The Microtonal Trumpet Project has a package of free resources which includes A FREE pdf book (covering a full description of the microtonal valve mechanisms) and other articles, fingering charts (in 19-, 24- and 48-div), recordings, scores (INCLUDING 19.5 by Donald Bousted and his Microtonal Trumpet Studies too), videos and photos etc
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Microtonal trumpets date back to the early twentieth century and there are surviving examples in the museums in Odessa and Prague.
The Microtonal Trumpet Project, which began in 1998, is a systemically researched and documented project between Donald Bousted, composer and Stephen Altoft, trumpeter.
Since 1998, the project has expanded exponentially both in the development of ideas, modified instruments and in the creation of new music.
Stephen and Donald have presented the project at:
The University of Surrey, The Royal Academy of Music, Trinity College of Music, York University, The University of Bristol, Brunel University, The University of Huddersfield, The University of Leeds, Keele University, The University of Aberdeen, UK MicroFest’s 1-4 (all UK), Staatliche Hochschule für Musik, Freiburg, (Germany), Fondation Royaumont (France), Hochschule für Kunst Bern (Switzerland), Kunsthochschule für Medien, Cologne (Germany), Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hamburg (Germany) EUROMicroFest 2013 and Napier University, Scotland, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim (Germany), Art’s Birthday 2020 (South West German Radio), E-Werk, Freiburg (Germany), University of Manchester (UK), Late Music Concerts (York, UK).
The Microtonal Trumpet, to date, has been concerned with playing quarter-tones (24-div) and eighth-tones (48-div) on a standard 3-valve trumpet and, using a specially constructed conversion kit, quarter-tone and 19 equal divisions of the octave (19-div).

19-div valve designed for Stephen’s Bb concert trumpet
The project, as documented, is based around 24 microtonal studies by Donald Bousted. See the publications page for details.
The most recent addition to the project has been the conversion of a flugelhorn to play in 19- or 24-div. You can hear the 19-div flugelhorn on the Time Dreaming Album (see below) in Eleri Ralli’s Sarabande? and read about this new instrument here.
During the last years, placing the microtonal instruments in an harmonic environment has been of growing importance. Initially this was with electronics, or multi-tracked trumpets, and then with the malletKAT of Lee Ferguson as part of duo Contour projects- for which Donald wrote his 19.5. This year Stephen has begun working with the Furano Saxophone Quartet and the Basque Quarter-tone Accordion player, Lore Amenabar Larrañaga.
The Yasser Collection CD
In order to explore the 19-div tuning on the trumpet, Stephen commissioned 19 solo pieces from 17 international composers. The resulting CD, called “The Yasser Collection” can be heard on Bandcamp and is also part of our Dropbox resources.
Stephen presents 11 recently written pieces in 19-division tuning. Like the Yasser Collection before it, these pieces are diverse in orientation and international in outlook. The Liner notes are here: RASP CD Programme Notes. Order the CD from our Publications page or buy on Bandcamp.
Time Dreaming Album (Digital Platforms only)
The third solo 19-div trumpet album contains 12 pieces in 19-division tuning, many of which address harmony much more closely. This album features the debut recording of the 19-div flugelhorn.
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Available on most digital platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music etc etc).
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